Calice Becker
Calice Becker was born in France to a pre-revolution Russian immigrant family, from whom she received a love of and reverence for fragrance, art, and traditional craftsmanship. Blessed from an early age with a keen sense of smell and the good taste to accompany it, she entered the largest perfumery school in Grasse, the Roure-Bertrand-Dupont (now the Givaudin Perfumery School). Entering Quest International upon graduation, Becker found herself under the tutelage of the famous Francoise Caron, who encouraged Becker to be a pioneer of a new generation of female noses and creators. Becker responded by creating J’Adore Christian Dior, one of the world’s most beloved and bestselling perfumes.
Never one to limit herself to one world or another, Becker comes onto our radar via her work as the primary nose on most of Kilian Hennessy’s By Kilian line. Though By Kilian features many stunning natural ingredients and rare, expensive distillations, Becker is equally proficient with modern synthetics, as she still creates scents for niche and mass market alike. We would say she doesn’t fit into any mold at all, but we can think of one: master perfumer.