
Eau de Parfum

If you like Cardinal Eau de Parfum, we recommend you try:
Here's what other people are saying about Cardinal...
It smells nice, but I would say it’s masculine. It’s definitely not unisex. Although it does smell very good. If you love incense and woody scents, you would enjoy this. Long lasting as well.
By   - Ekg tech from Texas on 12/4/2024
i struggled with cardinal. i like church incense however i could not enjoy this. its a perfume i wanted to love. i put the sample away for a long time. recently, i read a review that described it as a cheap (as in bad) coromandel. that got me curious. i retrieved the sample and opened the top: i instantly got the similarity to the chanel! twas the patchouli and frankincense. this revelation shifted the way i perceived cardinal. now, i smell more than the strong citrusy tang of frankincense. i smell the dry, smooth patchouli, myrrh and laundry white musk. the perfume becomes a little musty in all the right ways. i am smitten with the incense/patchouli here where its cold, like the stone church imagery many associate it with.
By   - barber from chicago on 7/11/2020
I ordered several samples a few years ago - I have been wearing interesting scents most of my life - Niki De Saint Phalle was an early favorite as was Bal A Versailles for whatever reason-))) - Cardinal stood our to me in a group of similar scents - for me at first a burst of cola - almost effervescent - then the slow beautiful dry down - it ends up warm and sensual in a way - not a lot of projection which is good - people come in for a kiss and get a whiff - most love it and some comment it smells like church - I don't get that like I do with some of it's cousins but either way - this is a special scent - I jut got my second bottle - I apply - then really just before I go out - makes a big difference - try it!
By   - Fashion Photographer from Detroit/Paris on 8/2/2019
Church and Christmas Morning - this was my only perfume from about 18 to about 23. Since then, I got adventurous and got a bottle of something else (Ramon Monegal - Cuirelle) but quickly regretted it. I've recently ordered a heap of luckyscent samples to choose my next perfume (I always find it's a bit of a commitment as they go off quickly and 100ml is a lot of perfume) and I'm seriously considering going straight back to cardinal. It's got a good hit of incense and it's just delicious - spicy, smoky, sweet, dry. Based on the reviews below, I also ordered a sample of Avignon to compare - and nope, in my view it's not exactly the same: Cardinal is much better.
By   - Lawyer from Australia on 3/19/2019
I wanted love this. It is a more refined incense from the bigger gothic Avignon. But unfortunately about 15 minutes in I began to get a headache, and 30 min irritation in my nose. I had to scrub it off after an hour.
By   - Truffle Hunter from California on 1/6/2019
On me, not so much the chapel incense as the stuff the guys on St. Mark’s Place used to sell in little resiny baggies next to foil-wrapped tubes of charcoal briquettes -- the street incense experience, if you will. In my 20’s, I would light a few pebbles of that incense and comb out my hair near the brazier post-shampoo, to get that smoky scent in there. Whether that story makes you smile or twitch tells you how you’ll feel about this offering.
By   - editor from Seattle on 3/27/2018
Very nice and interesting. Will definitely keep this on hand.
By   - Firefighter from Seattle on 3/8/2018
Cardinal is the immature, younger cousin of LAVS, with its own lemonade stand set up outside the church. Rather than spend my precious money on something mediocre in comparison that doesn't quite take me where I want to go, I'd very much so rather shell out more cashola, in order to spray myself liberally with my favorite UNUM instead, in both the extrait de parfum and now in the new Nuage Maison. *4 Stars* and no more.
By   - Retired Artist  from New York City on 9/26/2017
Zingy lemon & frankincense. Or is it wood polish? Not bad, not special. Preferable to Avignon. *4 Stars*
By   - Retired Artist  from New York City on 7/31/2017
Upon application, I thought I was about to smell L.A.V.S., probably because L.A.V.S. is what I've been wearing on these wonderful-smelling rainy days, but let it be known that Cardinal didn't go that far for me. It isn't anywhere near as complex or as exciting. It certainly doesn't smell antique. It hasn't taken a long-ago voyage across the ocean. It doesn't stir my emotions. Is there lemon in this? How come I'm mainly getting a lemon wedge and frankincense? I would describe this fragrance as "zingy" and unripe in character. Nevertheless, somehow I prefer this to Avignon.
By   - Retired Artist  from New York City on 7/27/2017
Was interested to read so many comments that says this smells just like Avignon. I agree with one of the comments below - this is Avignon's warmer and less stuff cousin. I adore incense fragrances and this is one of my favorites because of its wearability. I have gone through half of my FB and would not ever want to be without this as a staple in my collection.
By   - Attorney from New York on 4/11/2017
Oh god! I'm a (very) lapsed catholic.... the very first and extremely overwhelming sense was that I was back in a church in a benediction *shudder* You know the smell of the smoking ball thingy the priest waves around? Cardinal is exactly THAT. I dabbed the tiniest bit of a sample on my wrist and thought 'oh dear - perhaps when it dries". 15 minutes later I was still dabbing a wet tissue and scrubbing the hell out of my wrist. I actually believe I can still faintly smell it 2 days later, after 3 showers. If you want long lasting then you've got it, baby!!
By   - sales representative from Alexandra NZ on 6/30/2016
First sampled Cardinal last fall, and fell in love instantly!!! Cardinal takes a bit of time to develop on the skin into the golden cloud that grounds, surrounds, and lifts you to a place where you remember that we are more than just these bodies that house us... A very spiritual scent, with moderate sillage and excellent longevity. Makes it hard to reach for anything else... Simply beautiful!!!
By   - RN from Smellington on 3/19/2016
I like it, but it barely lasts on my skin. I'll stick to Avignon. It's $100 cheaper and lasts on me.
By   - from Los Angeles on 12/30/2012
When I first tried Cardinal a few years back I thought it was too much like Avignon. I have since decided this is Avignon's warmer and less stuffy cousin. This fragrance has a warmth and radiance that is difficult to describe. I love it on my husband and sometimes spritz some on myself when he's not looking.
By   - vintage clothing dealer from Redwood City on 12/27/2012
A green incence scent, that turns into a delightfully soft, light musky floral. I can't understand how anybody can not like this. The smell is pure genious and my newest favourite for autumn. Other favourites in the past include Feminité du bois, 10 Corso Como, Wonderwood, and likes of these. I have fond memories of going to catholic school for 9 years and frequent visits to the schools chapel and nearby church. So this scent brings layers and layers of memories for me. It is a finer scent than Avignon, which I also like very much, but Avignon can be overwhelmingly incensy on me, being a blonde with whispy hair, and also in my work with people as a therapist. Cardinal is easier to wear and suits me personally much better as a perfume to wear at work and everywhere, but I indulge in Avignon at home for the intense pureness of it.
By  on 9/17/2012
Addicted to this, to the extent that I don't care whether other people like it or hate it (but many positive comments). It is more refined than GdG Avignon, but very like Micallef Shanaan. It may take a little getting used to, as it does start off in a manner likely to give flashbacks to former altar boys. The drydown on fabric or tissues is gorgeous. I wish I could smell it on myself for longer.
By   - from Canberra on 8/26/2012
It's funny how a name can carry so much meaning. Cardinale smells to me like a stuffy old choir practice room filled with musty uniforms. Doesn't take long before I become a little queasy. Your mileage may vary.
By   - from Los Angeles on 12/27/2011
On my skin, Cardinal smells exactly like D&G The One Gentleman. Save yourself $75 and just by D&G.
By   - from The Brew on 9/12/2011
I truly love this scent, I pair it with MDCI Invasion Barbare and almost everyone I pass turns and asks what I'm wearing. I even had a small child tell her Mom I smelled better than the church on Sunday. They are the only fragrances I wear now- INCREDIBLE
By   - Forensic Accountant from Los Angeles on 7/3/2011