One hour of uninterrupted attention with a dedicated staff member (at our Hollywood location...for now) to find a fragrance for you with the perfect fit. There is no charge for the private consultation; you must only purchase a Fragrance Fitting Certificate which can be used during the visit, or anytime after.
How it works: First, you'll need to decide which amount of gift certificate you would like to purchase. At the moment we can accommodate parties of 3,4 or 5 people. A party of 1-3 people requires a certificate purchase of $200 per person with a $600 minimum. A party of 4 people requires a certificate purchase of $800 (4 x $200 certs), and a party of 5 people requires a certificate purchase of $1,000 (5x $200 certs). If you don't find something to purchase on the day of your consultation, you can use the certificate anytime later at any Scent Bar location or online at
If you love your barista's service, cash tips are always appreciated!
Once you purchase your certificate, you can book an appointment at the Hollywood location (7405 Beverly Blvd). We are currently offering time slots of 10-11 am, or 11 am-12 pm on Saturdays.