Bal d'Afrique Hair Perfume
If you like Bal d'Afrique Hair Perfume , we recommend you try:
Here's what other people are saying about Bal d'Afrique Hair Perfume...
The notion of nourishing hair perfume is overdue as it’s practical and indulgent. Not a dry shampoo. This is ideal for first ,second, and for longer hair, third day styling as a refresher and finish as one takes the last long glance in the mirror before starting the day or evening. The scent isn’t initially subtle but retreats nicely behind your perfume leaving a subtle shimmer on hair surfaces without a weigh down. Later in the day, when a breeze, a child’s or lover’s hand plays with it, your locks release a lovely and warm evanescence. Small enough for desk drawer or purse carry.
By   - Social Seamstress  from Nashville on 7/16/2018