In the heart of the South Pacific lies a cherished island, a timeless tropical paradise deeply special to perfumer Tanja Bochnig. This fragrance is a unique coconut symphony, far from the ordinary sweetness, offering a delightful twist. It reveals the island’s secrets—the sun-drenched shores and lush tropical fruits—all anchored in the grounding depth of sandalwood and precious woods. The perfume’s essence is a sensual dance, an enchanting interplay of jasmine and grapefruit, evoking the allure of carefree island escapes. Beneath the towering coconut trees, your toes sink into fine, ivory sand, overflowing with memories of those perfect summer nights. This fragrance captures the essence of those treasured moments—the gentle breeze, soothing waves, and laughter around a bonfire.
“Coco n’Amour” isn’t just a perfume; it’s a vessel of cherished experiences, a reminder of a beloved island, infused with love, warmth, and resplendent beauty, featuring hints of sandalwood, jasmine, and grapefruit. Each spray transports you back to those unforgettable nights, to an island forever in your heart.
Coco n'Amour Fragrance Notes
Coconut CO2 Extract, Copaiba Balsam, Sandalwood, Jasmine abs., Pink Grapefruit, Tropical Fruit Accord, Precious Woods Accord, Island Love, Ocean Breeze