D.S. and Durga


Eau de Parfum

If you like Pistachio Eau de Parfum, we recommend you try:
Here's what other people are saying about Pistachio...
All I can smell is patchouli.
By   - - from - on 2/23/2025
Just what I hoped for and honestly expected. This house isn’t one to pump out cloying gourmands, and those make me queasy. I was hoping for a subtle gourmand with distinct pistachio. This smells like the actual nut, not pistachio ice cream. Not sure why anybody would expect anything other than pistachio, which is its name. It’s not called pistachio ice cream or pistachio nougat. I think it’s perfect!
By   - Broker from San Francisco on 2/3/2024
Unfortunately, I really disliked this perfume. I love pistachio and woody, patchouli scents... I think it needs more pistachio and more sweetness! I'm not sure, but this is a no from me.
By   - Hairstylist from Milwaukee on 1/31/2024
Bit of a miss if you're looking for a sweet, nutty gourmand. Excellent if you're looking for patchouli. I love patchouli and I like this scent -- but it's not giving what I needed it to give. Not a safe blind buy (unless you really like patchouli, I guess).
By   - Analyst from Indianapolis on 12/11/2023
Interesting woody gourmand with more patchouli than pistachio. Although pistachio is listed as the central note, it is dominated from start to finish by a stronger patchouli note. Drowned in this concoction somewhere are hints of cardamom and vanilla with synthetic calones. Overall, the scent is not the typical gourmand one (don’t start thinking baklavas or Indian Rasmalai) would expect but more of an earthy slightly nutty experience. The unisex scent has moderate to strong projection and good longevity.
By   - Professor and Perfumer from Charlottesville VA on 9/8/2023
This is very similar to Verde di Persia Farmacia SS. Annunziata, which unfortunately has been taken off of this site. The dominant note is pistachio oil, and it is just beautiful. It is best for Spring and Summer time.
By   - Technology from New York on 3/20/2023
it's not giving gourmand, I fear. Dont get me wrong Pistachio is good, but not what I expected. It smells very much like Le Labo Tonka 25 which I already have on my collection. warm and spicy for sure, no sweetness here. Projection and longevity is average (3-4 hours tops)
By   - non profit from Washington DC on 2/24/2023
Durga Pistachio the first I’ve tried from this co. I like it, a more mature pistachio not the teeny bopper versions of pistachio the dry down is a subtle vanilla nut. Sort of like Laura Merciers pistachio perfume but better as it’s not cloyingly sweet. I’d order a bottle!
By   - Mom from Earth on 2/8/2023
This fragrance smells good, but it doesn’t smell like pistachio, or vanilla, or cardamom, or anything resembling them. It just smells like your garden variety hipster perfume, heavy on the patchouli. I actually wondered if they’d sent me the wrong sample.
By   - Fixer from Memphis on 1/27/2023
Initial opening is light and beautiful and you can really smell the pistachio. Not sweet but lovely. Then it dries down to patchouli, patchouli and more patchouli with a hint of pistachio. I am not a fan of patchouli, but if you are you should really enjoy this. Leans masculine.
By   - Cosmetics from New York on 1/24/2023