The House Of Oud

Breath Of The Infinite

Eau de Parfum

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Here's what other people are saying about Breath Of The Infinite...
You're sitting on the porch swing in the morning, just after sunrise, waiting for your wife to get home from her jog. It's the springtime, and faint wisps of air come in from your garden, which is just barely starting to bloom. She finally comes running around the corner, and you continue swinging, checking her out, watching her long shadow stretch out over the yard. She climbs up the steps, slowly, out of breath, beaming, and dripping with sweat. She takes the cold glass of milk out of your hands and takes a few drinks between gasps for air, then kisses you before going inside to change. Breath Of The Infinite by The House of Oud.
By   - Engineer from Cincinnati on 3/17/2018
A huge, friendly alien intelligence might well have constructed Breath of the Infinite to convey to humans its good intentions toward them, if it was operating on a full understanding of our planet but without much data on what we consider "normal" scent aesthetics. My notes have phrases like "warm dust motes in sunbeams," "some flowers look like fireworks," "planet and humans mainly saltwater," "comforts of musk," and so on in that vein. Even the construction is beautiful but strange; Similar to It Was A Time That Was A Time, these notes don't unfold so much as rotate around an axis. The effect is strangely, wonderful comforting -- the universe is bigger than you, but it will all be okay.
By   - editor from Seattle on 3/22/2017