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Hinoki Atmosphere Mist

Room Spray

If you like Hinoki Atmosphere Mist Room Spray, we recommend you try:
Here's what other people are saying about Hinoki Atmosphere Mist...
It reminds me of the warmed floors of an upscale Japanese spa — clean, crisp, warm, soothing. While I am cautious about attributing mood-altering qualities to scents, for me, this IS very calming. For those who might not be familiar with the scent, it’s a light woody scent. Not as deep or resinous as cedar, but way better than fresh cut wood at HomeDepot. To some, it might initially have an ever so slightly medicinal vibe, but nothing as strong or pungent as Tea Tree Oil. After dry down, it’s comforting and subtle. My cat digs it too.
By   - professorr from Vancouver on 8/1/2019