Essential Parfums

Patchouli Mania

Eau de Parfum

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Here's what other people are saying about Patchouli Mania...
I love this. It's barely sweet, very dry. It just smells good. Not floral, almost herbal. Not a dank patchouli. This is a wild compliment getter for me. My winter scent, but could work year round.
By   - Artist from Los Angeles on 11/24/2024
Straight-up disinfectant. Memories of 80s Lysol and high school hippies. What was I thinking? What am I missing?
By   - small biz owner from Silver Spring on 1/7/2024
A dry patchouli matched evenly with vetiver. The crunchy nuttiness opens this fragrance and only returns after a few hours when what little, if any, cacao appears to intrude with a hint of sweetness. Unisex but leans masculine to my nose. Leaves a delicate scent trail but lasts all day. Not enough patchouli here to satisfy me, but if you prefer it toned down with earthy vetiver in tow, then this may be for you.
By   - Frangrance Fancier from Detroit on 12/12/2023