
Rakugan (Sugar Sweets)

Eau de Parfum

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Here's what other people are saying about Rakugan (Sugar Sweets)...
I’ve been bored by the number of vanilla gourmands and was pleasantly surprised by this fragrance. It was incredibly nostalgic for me. It reminds me of candy, maybe gumdrops, and scented baby dolls from the 90s. First sniff and I instantly smiled. My only complaint is the staying power is weak. Such a fun, light scent that really transported and comforted me.
By   - Chef from Ny on 11/15/2024
I like this scent. It is fun, light hearted, and sweet. And though I wouldn’t say it is my favorite, it is surprisingly the one I find myself wearing more often than not.
By   - Engineer from Boston MA on 4/25/2024
This is one of the few perfumes that I've run out of because I used it all the waytothe end of the bottle. It's just such a happy, juicy, carefree scent, and it doesn't cost very much. It doesn't turn overwhelming and unpleasant if I spray a lot of it...many perfumes do...instead, it becomes a little more zingy and more fruity. I feel like it layers well with darker and more serious perfumes too, giving them a little bit of fruity/zingy/fun lightheartedness. It layers especially well with vanilla and chocolate scents. Because it's so easy to wear, I ended up using it all up within months, without even realizing that it was my favorite.
By   - software developer  from Orlando on 1/29/2022
Sweet, light, and constantly changing. I adore this fragrance, and continue to find new notes in it. One minute it's vanilla mochi, the next a sticky bun!
By   - PR Consultant from Baltimore on 12/12/2019
If you paired bubblegum, the old fashioned pink chewies in wrappers sort, with a sweet-and-sour fruit candy, and poured infizzy lemon-lime (and a topper of grape soda too), you'd have this one. Artificial as heck, but who cares; it's fake in a good way. Daub it on, fill your cheeks, and pop bubbles. As the Patchwork Girl says, "I hate dignity." Settle for a grin instead, with this little Soda Pop novelty. I enjoyed it. Unique.
By   - Writer from Spokane on 5/17/2019
I just received my sample. Sweet, lovely fragrance... On me it smells like honey. My boyfriend loves this. Finally a sweet fragrance he likes...I am delighted....
By   - Health worker from Sharon on 3/30/2019